5 hot tips to get rid of “sciatica”

Person having back pain in black and white

5 hot tips to get rid of “sciatica”

The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the human body, so it should be no surprise that sciatica is one of the most common issues seen to by musculoskeletal physiotherapists particularly here at Fixio Physio Dee Why. Sciatica is the Latin word for “Pain down the back of the leg” but could really be described as more of a pain in the butt, hip, hamstring or lower back. The most common cause of pain in the sciatic nerve distribution (which I shall call sciatica for this article) is compression of the sciatic nerve. It’s a tricky one as sciatica can manifest itself in many ways, none of them painless. Because the sciatic nerve runs through so many major parts of the body, it is common to see sciatica misdiagnosed as other localised ailments, meaning a longer recovery time and no shortage of pain. Sciatica pain can cause a range of pain types from short and sharp, to infrequent and dull to debilitating.

Signs you may have sciatica

  1. The pain usually only affects one side of the body
  2. Pain radiates through the lower back to buttocks and down your leg
  3. The pain is worse when sitting or remaining still
  4. There is burning, tingling or weakness in the leg on the affected side
  5. Light exercise (such as walking) may ease the symptoms

The good news is that sciatica is very treatable, and your local musculoskeletal physiotherapist is perfectly positioned to diagnose and treat your pain. While it’s relatively easy to diagnose the sciatica itself, usually there is an underlying cause from a different origin point. The following steps can help to keep some of the pain at bay, and rehabilitate the area so you can stay pain free longer.

  1. Sit less

Get off your butt! It might seem counterproductive when you have a sharp pain in your buttocks and leg to get up and walk around, but that’s exactly what you should be doing. Sitting for too long, such as at a desk or on the couch watching the cricket can cause your hip flexors to tighten up which is going to cause you even more pain. Set yourself a timer and stand up every 30-60 minutes, go for a walk and make a joke about Monday being a real pain in the butt.

  1. Take a dip in the pool

Apart from offering a place to escape the scorching heat, the pool is the perfect place to ditch sciatica. Once you’re feeling up to it, swimming slow and relaxed laps is a great way of easing pain, nerve spasms and relaxing the stiff muscles surrounding the painful area.

  1. Get a massage

Not just any massage, you need a physio skilled in the treatment of the pelvis and lumbar spine to give you a good working over. A titled musculoskeletal physiotherapist will be able to identify the root causes of your nerve pain and give you a massage that stimulates circulation through the affected area and helps to relax any muscle spasms.

  1. Strengthen your gluts

Strengthening the gluteal muscles (yes – the gluteus maximus is your big butt muscle!) is a great way to help prevent flare ups in the future. Many issues that affect the back and cause constant pain can be relieved by strengthening the hips and the core. Don’t go pumping out thousands of deadlifts, squats and crunches while you’re still in the primary phase of pain though, as that’s only going to hurt you more. Your local Dee Why physio will be able to conduct a full examination of your body and movements to give you the best core exercises for your body type and condition.

  1. Stretch

While you work with your physio to strengthen your core, increasing flexibility through your hips and lower back will be a key factor in keeping sciatica away. Muscular tension is a key trigger for sciatic pain, and having a daily routine of stretches will help build the resilience of your muscles, release the tension and prevent recurrence. Speak to your physio about the benefits of functional training on your body and the ways it can be used to strengthen the vulnerable areas of your body and protect them from everyday movements that cause pain. Clinical Pilates is also a proven avenue for painful conditions that affect the lower back and body, it’s certainly not just for middle aged mums and Instagram models!

WORD OF WARNING! Don’t sit on your sciatica pain! If left to its own devices, sciatica may go away on its own. Yet on the other hand, if left to it’s own devices the sheath of protective coating around the nerves (think of the plastic coating that is around all power cords) may whither away and die. It is much easier for us physios to fix a problem that has been there for a few weeks than a few months!

Get in contact with your local Fixio Northern Beaches physio and arrange an in depth treatment plan if you are experiencing sciatic pain, don’t let it restrict you from doing the things you love.


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